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Family Source Consultants | Surrogacy Agency | Chicago, Illinois, USA

Family Source Consultants
Member Type
Surrogacy Agency
Date Registered
11 years ago
Profile Updated
1 year ago
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1 year ago
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We are a full service Surrogacy Agency in Chicago, Illinois, USA, helping to match Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors. We provide services for Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man. Contact us for more information regarding our surrogacy services.

Agency/Organization Name
Family Source Consultants

Contact Name
Family Source Consultants

We Assist the Following Groups
Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors

Willing to Assist Couples Types of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

We Provide the Following Services
Surrogate Mother Matching, Egg Donor Matching, Surrogacy Applications and Contracts, Journey Coordinators, Egg Donor Coordinators, Surrogate Care Assistance

Willing to Assist Surrogates/Donors/Parents from these Countries
Argentina, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Turkey, USA

About Us

Family Source Consultants is proud to be celebrating over 16 years as a leading authority in third-party reproductive services. Our Chicago-based agency matches and facilitates Gestational Surrogacy and Egg Donation arrangements in the United States and Internationally. Our International Coordinators speak fluently in multiple languages to assist our clients residing in Asia, Europe, Latin America, and South America. Family Source is pleased to assist individuals and couples of all races, sexual orientations, and religious and ethnic backgrounds to create and expand their family through surrogacy and egg donation. Our team of experts handles all aspects of your assisted reproduction program, whether it involves Egg Donation, Gestational Surrogacy, or both. Working closely with each and every client allows us to ensure that arrangements are customized to meet the specific needs of prospective parents, Surrogates, and Egg Donors. Family Source Consultants is unique in the fact that we are not are only experts in alternative family creation, but also have first-hand experience in all aspects of the surrogacy and egg donation process. Our staff members include former surrogates, egg donors, and parents through surrogacy; combined, our staff represents a unique group of individuals who completely understand all that encompasses the significance of creating a family through reproductive medicine. Family Source Consultants is a proud member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, Resolve (The National Fertility Association), and SEEDS (The Society for Ethics in Egg Donation and Surrogacy). In addition, we have aligned with the highest levels of Reproductive Endocrinologists, Reproductive Attorneys, and Psychologists to provide superior service to our clientele.

155 N. Upper Wacker Dr., Ste 4250

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Fertility Center Colombia, Surrogacy Agency
Commented on February 17th, 2021 11:57AM [EDT]
Collaboration between our companies
Hello it is a pleasure to greet you, My name is Alejandro Laguna and I am the General Manager of Fertility Center Colombia. We believe that we can have excellent collaborations between our companies thanks to the many benefits that being in Colombia gives us both in subrogation laws and costs. I look forward to hearing from you.
Neema , Surrogate Mother
Commented on April 2nd, 2020 04:39PM [EDT]
I'm African girl wants to become part of your work please see my profile
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on July 9th, 2019 06:54AM [EDT]
surrogate mother and a donor
Hi! I want to become a surrogate mother and a donor.Write to me , I'm waiting.I'm from Russia, I'm 30 years old, have 2 children, married.There are some tests.I'd like to know the details , thank you.Is ready to live on Your territory entire pregnancy. ***
Елена, Surrogate Mother
Commented on July 8th, 2019 04:43AM [EDT]
The surrogate mother ,
Hi! I want to become a surrogate mother and a donor.Write to me , I'm waiting.I'm from Russia, I'm 30 years old, have 2 children, married.There are some tests.I'd like to know the details , thank you.Is ready to live on Your territory entire pregnancy. ***
Nkiruka , Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 19th, 2019 11:54AM [EDT]
Do you need a surrogate mother?
Am a surrogate mother, I'm a Nigerian willing to relocate. Thanks
Kirtia, Surrogate Mother
Commented on March 8th, 2017 02:00PM [EDT]
Surrogate mother
I am interested in becoming a surrogate mother
Angie, Surrogate Mother
Commented on January 6th, 2017 04:42AM [EDT]
I am willing to help. Please check my profile.
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