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Robin Fleischner, Attorney at Law | Surrogacy Lawyer | New York, New York, USA

Robin Fleischner, Attorney at Law
Member Type
Surrogacy Lawyer
New York
New York
Date Registered
8 years ago
Profile Updated
5 years ago
Last Login
5 years ago
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We provide legal services and family building options for Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors, Sperm Donors for Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man. Contact us for advise on third party reproductive law.

Practice/Firm Name
Robin Fleischner, Attorney at Law

Contact Name
Robin Fleischner, Attorney at Law

We Assist the Following Groups
Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors, Sperm Donors

Willing to Assist Couples Types of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

We Provide the Following Services
Legal Support/Lawyers, Surrogate Mother Matching, Surrogacy Applications and Contracts

Willing to Assist Surrogates/Donors/Parents from these Countries

About Us

Want to become a Surrogate Mother? RECEIVE GENEROUS COMPENSATION AND HELP A FAMILY TO HAVE A CHILD. Robin can assist you to qualify as a surrogate and find the right family to carry for. My boutique firm will give you personalized service and confidence that your rights and well-being will be protected. FIND OUT WHETHER YOU QUALIFY TO BECOME A GESTATIONAL SURROGATE. To become a gestational surrogate, you must meet all of these requirements: Be between 21 and 43 years old Enjoy being pregnant and have had at least one healthy, normal pregnancy and delivery Have no serious medical problems Be a non-smoker Use no illegal substances Have a body mass index (BMI) equal to or less than 32 Have emotional support for your surrogacy from your family and others close to you Be financially stable and not on food stamps or public assistance Have reliable transportation and be willing to travel, if necessary, for screening, matching with intended parent, and medical testing Be willing to undergo medical and psychological evaluations, and any spouse/significant other should be willing to undergo the same Have no criminal history

New York
New York

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