Surrogacy news

Ian Thorpe looking to become a father with partner Ryan Channing

By FindSurrogateMother.com Editor on 2019-01-30 09:30:16

Thorpe, who won five Olympic gold medals in his glittering career, has been dating Channing for approximately three years, and the model was reportedly spotted at a reproductive clinic in Los Angeles, California last week.

Thorpe confirmed they were working on expanding their family.

“We’re talking about it and have for a while, but it’s still early days,” Thorpe said.

“Yes, we decided to visit the clinic in LA — it’s all part of the plan at this stage.”

Read the Entire Story, www.news.com.au/sport/sports-life/ian-thorpe-looking-to-become-a-father-with-partner-ryan-channing/news-story/cac591bd9e56f875b2be66f6a8faa5e5

Resource: Newscomau

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