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GIFT, Zambian Sperm Donor in Luapula, Zambia

Member Type
Sperm Donor
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Date Registered
8 months ago
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8 months ago
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Sperm Donor from Luapula, Zambia.

Im Willing to Help Couples of
Heterosexual Couple, Single Woman

Number of Children (non-donor)





My Health is

My Education is

I am a Smoker

I Have a Passport

Willing to Travel

Blood Type



Has been a sperm donor before

Marital Status

Why I want to be a sperm donor:

Helping Families: One of my primary motivations is the opportunity to assist individuals and couples who are struggling with fertility issues. I believe that the gift of life is one of the most profound contributions one can make to society, and being a sperm donor allows me to provide hope and support to those in need. Fulfillment of Giving: The act of giving life is deeply fulfilling to me. Knowing that I could be instrumental in helping someone achieve their dream of becoming a parent is a source of immense satisfaction. It's a unique way to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Family Legacy: I also see sperm donation as a way to extend my family legacy. By donating, I can potentially help create new generations while preserving my own genetic heritage. Educational Support: The financial compensation from sperm donation can assist me in pursuing my educational and personal goals. This opportunity to receive compensation while helping others is a win-win situation. Medical and Genetic Screening: The rigorous medical and genetic screening processes associated with sperm donation reassure me that I'm contributing in a responsible and ethical manner, ensuring that any potential offspring are healthy and free from genetic disorders. Anonymity and Privacy: The confidentiality and anonymity involved in sperm donation align with my values and personal preferences. I appreciate the respect for donor privacy.

Description of myself:

Gift Chansa is a radiant and compassionate individual with a profound desire to make a positive impact on the world. Gift's infectious joviality and friendly demeanor create an atmosphere of warmth and approachability wherever he goes. His big dreams and boundless enthusiasm are the driving force behind his endeavors, propelling them toward meaningful achievements. Gift Chansa possesses a heart that overflows with empathy, particularly when it comes to helping those who are most vulnerable in society. His love and dedication to aiding orphans and street kids reflect a deep-seated commitment to making the world a better place. Through his kindness and tireless efforts, he provides support, care, and hope to those who need it most, leaving an indelible mark on the lives they touch. Gift Chansa's ambition, combined with his compassionate spirit, embodies the potential for transformative change. His radiant personality, coupled with his altruistic pursuits, makes him a beacon of hope, a source of inspiration, and a force for positive transformation in the world.

My letter to intended parents:

Dear Potential Intended Parents, I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to express my sincere interest in becoming a sperm donor to support your journey towards parenthood. This is a decision I do not take lightly, and it's driven by a genuine desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Allow me to introduce myself. I am GIFT CHANSA, 27 years old, and I currently reside in Mansa, Luapula Province in Zambia. And am a passionate, Graphic Designer/Photographer and Videographer. Motivation: The decision to become a sperm donor is rooted in my deep-seated motivation to help individuals or couples who are struggling with fertility issues. I firmly believe that the gift of life is one of the most profound contributions one can make to society. The thought of contributing to your journey towards parenthood brings me a profound sense of purpose and joy. I value open and honest communication throughout the donor-parent relationship. My intention is to provide you with the support and resources needed while respecting your privacy and autonomy. I am open to discussions about the level of involvement or anonymity that you desire, and I'm committed to adhering to any mutually agreed-upon terms. In terms of my family history, I come from a supportive and healthy family with a positive medical history. I do not have a history of hereditary diseases or genetic conditions that I am aware of. You can reach me via email at [email protected]. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience, and I am available to address any questions or concerns you may have. I am eager to engage in further discussions to explore the possibility of working together on this significant journey. Please know that I approach this endeavor with the utmost sincerity and a genuine commitment to assist you in realizing your dream of parenthood. Thank you for considering me as a potential sperm donor, and I look forward to the opportunity to connect with you. Sincerely, GIFT CHANSA


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