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Maple Leaf Fertility Services | Surrogacy Agency | Ontario, Canada

Maple Leaf Fertility Services
Member Type
Surrogacy Agency
Date Registered
3 years ago
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3 years ago
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We are a full service Surrogacy Agency in Ontario, Canada, helping to match Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors, Sperm Donors. We provide services for Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man. Contact us for more information regarding our surrogacy services.

Agency/Organization Name
Maple Leaf Fertility Services

Contact Name
Maple Leaf Fertility Services

We Assist the Following Groups
Surrogate Mothers, Intended Parents, Egg Donors, Sperm Donors

Willing to Assist Couples Types of
Heterosexual Couple, Gay Couple, Lesbian Couple, Single Woman, Single Man

We Provide the Following Services
Fertility Doctors, Nursing Staff, Legal Support/Lawyers, Surrogate Mother Matching, Egg Donor Matching, Sperm Donor Matching, Social Workers, Surrogacy Applications and Contracts, Screening & Matching Team, more

Willing to Assist Surrogates/Donors/Parents from these Countries
Canada, China, Colombia, Germany, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Israel, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, USA

About Us

关于枫叶生育咨询公司的介绍 Introducing Maple Leaf Fertility Services *** Wechat: *** 位于加拿大首都渥太华的枫叶生育咨询公司是一家集试管婴儿、捐精捐卵、代孕等方面的服务于一体的一站式不孕不育生殖咨询公司。我们的服务对象涵盖所有面临不孕不育问题的准父母,尤其是全球华人准父母。我们为客户提供最新的有关人工辅助生殖技术的信息,并介绍加拿大的不孕不育治疗中心。我们将用周到的服务和专业的技术为各种客户量身定制出最佳的治疗不孕不育的程序和方案。我们的宗旨是协助您实现完整而幸福的家庭的愿望。 The Maple Leaf Fertility Services Company is located in Ottawa, the capital of Canada.By providing services for IVF, sperm and egg donation, surrogacy and related legal matters, and for coordinating with our local partners (fertility consultants, internationally recognized clinics and legal professionals), the company provides one-stop solutions for people with fertility needs.Our clients are from all over the world, and our main focus is also to serve intended parents with Chinese backgrounds.We make the most updated information on assisted reproductive technology available to our clients, and we refer our clients to world-class infertility treatment centers in Canada.With our thoughtful service and professional expertise, we can offer programs tailored to the special conditions and needs of our clients.Our aim is to help our clients realize their dream for a complete and happy family. 我们拥有丰富的卵/精子库和代孕者资源,我们将在第一时间为您推荐合适的捐卵/精者和代孕者,以确保胎儿的健康发育成长!我们的服务主要包括:1)推荐合适的与人工辅助生育相关的机构;2)匹配合适的代孕者和捐卵/精者;3)精心挑选生殖专业医生、实验室胚胎专家、与代孕和捐卵/精相关的律师、妇产科医院和保险公司;4)协调您与相关的机构和人士的沟通,和5)协助国际客户的新生儿回国。我们还可根据客户的特殊需要提供相应的服务。 Based on our resource for egg/sperm banks and surrogates, we are able to recommend suitable egg/sperm donors and surrogates to the inteded parents to ensure the healthy development of the fetus in a timely manner! Our services include: 1) referring our clients to well-established professional agencies in the field of assisted reproduction; 2) making a good match between a surrogate and an egg/sperm donor; 3) recommending qualified reproductive doctors, reputable laboratory embryologists, fertility lawyers in relation to surrogacy and egg/sperm donation, maternity hospitals and doctors, and insurance companies; 4) coordinating the communication between our clients and local agencies and professionals; and 8) helping international/Chinese clients take their newborns back to their home country.Meanwhile, we will make every effort to accommodate special needs of our clients. 在加拿大进行人工辅助生育的优势: 1) 加拿大具有世界领先的试管婴儿技术和优质的华人及西人卵子库; 2) 在加拿大捐卵和代孕是合法的; 3) 在加拿大出生的孩子具有加拿大国籍; 4) 安大略省政府负担孕检及所有医学检查费用,无需为代母和卵母购买医疗保险; 5) 同性婚姻在加拿大是合法的,同性配偶在加拿大代孕生育是完全合法的。 Advantages of assisted reproduction in Canada: 1) Canada has the world’s leading IVF technology and high-quality Chinese and Western egg banks; 2) Egg donation and surrogacy are legal in Canada; 3) A child born in Canada is automatically a Canadian citizen; 4) The Government of Ontario will pay for the pregnancy test and all medical examinations, and there is no need to purchase health insurance for the surrogate mother and oocyte; 5) Same-sex marriage is legal in Canada, and surrogacy for same-sex couples is legal in Canada.

66 Slater

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Ian , Sperm Donor
Commented on August 30th, 2022 09:35AM [EDT]
Sperm Donor
Hi am willing to join your agency so that I can be able to reach intended parents and make their dreams come true.😍
Regina , Surrogate Mother
Commented on August 28th, 2021 05:32PM [EDT]
Surrogate mother
I want to join your agency so that am able to reach intended parents to make their dreams come true
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