Surrogate Mothers in Beijing, China

Surrogate Mothers in Beijing, China 4

Russian Surrogate Mother, Beijing, China
Location:China / Beijing
Date registered:September 1st, 2020 [EDT]
Last login:October 15th, 2020 [EDT]
I want to open an opportunity to travel a liitle bit more and and settle down in the oceanview cozy corner if possible. 我希望有机会多旅行一点,并在可能的情况下在海景舒适的� ...
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Cameroonian Surrogate Mother, Beijing, China
Location:China / Beijing
Own Child: I have 3 children of my own
Date registered:December 26th, 2014 [EDT]
Last login:July 25th, 2015 [EDT]
I love being pregnant and bringing new babies into the world but due to my financial state, I cannot afford to have another after my third child. I will gladly be a surrogate mother thus, accomplishin ...
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